Full-Site, All-Asset Monitoring is Affordable and Achievable (case study)
Overview: Enhancing monitoring visibility across HV and MV critical assets, HV and MV
This case study delves into the journey of an industrial facility seeking to enhance the visibility and monitoring of its critical electrical assets, particularly in the medium and high voltage range.
The Challenge: Budget constraints, diverse assets, integrating offline testing with online monitoring, maintenance costs and frequency
The site manager was actively pursuing condition assessment tests for years, aiming to increase asset condition visibility through continuous monitoring systems. However, several challenges impeded the successful transition:
Diverse assets required different monitoring technologies,
Limited budget posed constraints on covering the entire network,
Integrating offline testing results with continuous monitoring data presented a challenge,
Reducing the cost and frequency of offline inspections was necessary to justify the investment.
The ‘A-HA Moment’: Addressing complexity with flexibility
After a comprehensive review of the site's assets, we identified suitable monitoring technologies and proposed a solution that would:
Enable online continuous monitoring of the entire electrical network while staying within budget constraints.
Propose a test regime for assets not covered by continuous monitoring.
Strategic Shift: Taking a bespoke approach
Recognising the complexities of the project, machinemonitor® was engaged to implement OptMonitor as a flexible, bespoke continuous monitoring solution to expedite the process by:
Offering solutions for continuous online monitoring across the network.
Streamlining and reducing the frequency of offline inspections.
Enhancing online visibility into asset conditions.
Installing OptMonitor allowed the integration of all historical information, expert review of the data, and the provision of an up-to-date risk assessment.
Outcomes: Real-time asset condition monitoring, expert human engineering oversight and analysis 24/7
With the installation of OptMonitor, the industrial facility now has real-time asset condition information for all its assets. The ongoing collaboration focuses on providing additional tools to further reduce the costs associated with spot offline testing.
Online monitoring data is now actively overseen by expert engineers, and regular assessments from asset experts ensure a "real-time" understanding of asset conditions across the site.
Case Study Summary: Flexibility and bespoke solutions reduce costs and improve productivity across all assets.
This case study proves Optmonitor successfully meets the challenges of diverse assets, budget constraints, and the need for comprehensive monitoring.
The collaboration has resulted in enhanced visibility, efficient monitoring, and a more cost-effective approach to managing critical electrical assets at the industrial facility.
This article is part of a series of videos, article and case studies that looks at the latest developments in continuous monitoring including our cutting-edge continuous monitoring solution, OptMonitor.
This ground-breaking solution was designed to together with our customers and can now help you navigate the complexities of asset management with confidence.
A short video explaining how you can ensure asset management confidence through continuous monitoring with expert oversight.